I grew up in an African landscape filled with freedom and horses. At that time, in that part of the world, horses were integral to the fabric of society. Traditional institutions were schools, hospitals, police stations, the workplace, the church….and horses.

Upon returning to the United States as a senior in High School, that world disappeared for me.

Africa….many moons ago….

After university, I spent many years traveling and working, both abroad and Stateside.

Outside of my professional life, I’ve been a lifelong student of meditation and yoga. Having spent several years in Japan, the warrior traditions of the Samurai captivated me. The mental and physical fitness of this discipline were underlying qualities I saw in all robust cultures throughout the world. This prompted me to enroll in a course in Mind Fitness which was intended to help US military personnel in optimizing physical and mental fitness needed to deal with the inevitable stresses of combat. This resilience is a quality we can all nurture in times of stress, if we have the proper training and tools. This led me to involvement in an equine program with veterans suffering from PTSD. I witnessed firsthand the non-verbal magic of healing that naturally occurs between horse and human. I knew I had to return to my first love….horses.

I embarked on an intensive course in Equine Massage Therapy. My passion for the horse was re-ignited, and I will never look back. I have come full circle.

My husband and I live in western Colorado.



1979 BS Zoology, Colorado State University


2017 Tucker BioKinetic Technique, MasterClass Level 1 in Equine Body Checkups

2016 Art of Equine Massage and Bodywork Therapy (AEMB) from Prairie Winds, NM

2011 Reiki First/Second/Third Degrees

Qualifications in yoga, mindfulness based stress reduction therapy (MBSR) and Mind Fitness (MMFT) used briefly in the USMC veteran program.

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1776 Lands End Rd / Whitewater, CO 81527
(303) 507-6583 / Info@EquusEQ.com

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